miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


                Do you personally know any people who you think are heroes because of what they do to help others? Why? What do they do?


He's designer fashion very famous  in Paris, England , EE.UU, Perú and Europe. His history is definitely incredible and interesting.He was poor but he had a high dream and that was his motivation everyday. He's from Ica , one day he decided change his life and went to Lima , we was hard worker .After traveling to Paris  , he studied design fashion there. Nowadays he's amazed to see his progress.
Yirko is one of my heroes because he helps Animasl's ONG. He keeps his humble spirit. I'm sorprised for his great achievements in so few years.


She won "the Peace Prize", is the youngest to have won this award.She's from Pakistan , her history is really incredible.I readed her book, its amazing! Is as if you living in Pakistan , really the womens has a frutrating life there.Malala was the firts woman who fighf for her rights ,one of them,the right to study!! The womens don't study. She has an assassination attempt because it causing a revolution in fovour of women.Miraculously not died.She was forteen , and this news shoked the world.She most be a great example for women.Nowadays she has a ''MALALA FOUND" she promotes education women around the world.
,I'm going to have to do something about it , like exposicion ,could be.


CKECK!!   ;)

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